Your body is talking to you

I speak about this a lot and when I had the intention to write this blog I was physically and emotionally going through it!

Our body is always telling us what we need, especially when it comes to rest and when we don’t listen it continues to get louder in the from of physical ailments and if we continue to ignore it it will quite literally make us stop and listen.

Last week I was exactly in that space, suffering with back ache, I know thats not dramatic to a lot of people but for me it prevents me from delivering my sessions physically. - And thats exactly the point, my body is literally telling me to rest. Not only that but upon reflect I could see my body was also trying to tell me I was emotionally uncomfortable but as I was trying to override it, it did manifest itself outwardly.

I have worked so hard on myself, for myself the past few years, if you have been following my blogs you would know that too. I am so proud of my growth but most of all my openness, surrender and softness. Even when things have felt really hard I have fully trusted in the universe to guide me and in myself of making the right choices.

Unfortunately, because I am such a dedicated person not afraid of “the work“ I have at times misinterpreted the situation feeling I needed to keep going when actually the universe was showing me things that were not in alignment to who I am becoming. Its quite obvious to me that all of my tools and practices that I participate in daily have me evolving at such a rapid pace that some people in my life see that as a threat, cant relate or cant keep up.

Luckily the universe always intervenes. The universe always has our back and even when we cant see the full picture the universe knows, which exactly co insides with the current astrology. The eclipse energy is moving us to where we are supposed to be so right now, so surrender, the universe is guiding you to what needs to happen!

This all ties together too because the full moon is in Aires conjunct with Chiron the wounded healer old trauma is resurfacing in order to be released for good, this could manifest itself physically as your body remembers trauma. There is a book called The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van Der Kolk. The author speaks on how suppressed trauma manifests itself through heart problems, gut issues and even cancer. This is due to the body being in a continuous stress response. ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences) explains there is a link. This is why listening to your body is integral not only to your physical wellbeing but your mental wellbeing too. When we can heal our trauma we can heal every part of us, or at least support the other parts of our healing (physically).

Since last week I have rested A LOT! I had a sports massage, baths, lay ins. Supported my stomach through eating the right foods probiotics etc, booked myself a spa day, journaled a lot on how I am feeling and getting clear on what I want and need and releasing out what no longer serves me, in meditation and speaking it a loud to the universe (you all know I’m woo woo) and most importantly cut all cords to people situations and circumstances that do not serve my highest good and calling all of my power back to me from every place situation and circumstance.

Since embarking on those changes I have seen and felt a difference physically and mentally.

Have you ever had a gut feeling something wasn’t quite right? Or someone wasn’t telling the truth? That is your intuition. If I kept doing what I was doing, accepting what I was accepting I would have potentially sabotaged myself. The universe sent me signs to say ‘hey look at this’ or ‘how do you actually feel about this’. Due to my radical self awareness, understanding myself and my needs but also being forced to stop, I had the chance to listen then act accordingly.

If you are reading this now thinking, I suffer with chronic headaches, stomach issues, or frequently ill, that could be a sign you have some unresolved trauma that needs to be dealt with. Take sometime to ask yourself. Am I happy at the moment, in life, in my relationships, in my work. If not why? What can I do differently?

I call myself Inner Power Activation Leader because I do go first, I lead with integrity and by my own teaching. Life is going to life, you will be met with lows but how you can transmute that from pain to power is what defines you!

As I always say we are the main character of our story. Our body is literally the book that binds all of our story together, treat it with care and respect especially when you have so much more to write.

What happen to you is your story, what you choose to do with it is your manual, what you create from it is your legacy!

I can show you the way.

If you are looking for guidance and support at this time head to my IG and drop me a DM click here. Or drop me an email through my website.

If you are currently in a difficult space know that it will pass. Rest, reset and trust everything is aligning for you. Take care of yourself and your body as we only get one in this lifetime!

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Love and light,


Turn Procrastination to Productivity!


Closing out old cycles