Turn Procrastination to Productivity!

Hello! If this resonates with you sorry not sorry!

So many people come to me with this issue! Some call it feeling unmotivated, some say its having no accountability, I say its a lack of self trust but ultimately its procrastination.

Procrastination is where we do everything but the thing we know we should be doing/need to do. Find yourself scrolling aimlessly? Or cleaning extra when you know you should actually be filling out an application? Making a snack when you said you were going to the gym? Sound familiar?

Basically procrastination in my eyes, (as gently as possible) is making excuses. It’s not your fault per say it’s the way you are wired. We are wired to do things the way we have always done them, no matter how destructive that may be. This is based on our subconscious thought patterns that we adopted in childhood and have continued to implement throughout our adult lives. It can be as simple as hearing someone tell you you’d never amount to anything over and over agin that you actually end up believing it and chose not to try. It could be that you know applying for a dream job is scary and the thought of not getting it keeps you from applying. You could stay in relationships that aren’t healthy because you are scared to be alone. Ultimately procrastination is stunting our ability to pursue our wildest dreams!

I would say generally I don’t procrastinate much but ,I did find myself doing it this week to some extent. After taking a full week off the week before, the idea of falling back into burnout scared me enough, that I prolonged certain tasks, which meant I had more work to do at the end of the week! This is why I am super disciplined. I truly believe in the saying fail to prepare or prepare to fail. That may sound extreme but our daily habits are actually the making of us. There’s also another saying that correlates, bare with me, the lowest standard you are willing to accept will be the best someone is willing to treat you. Now, I want you to think about that from a personal perspective, what standards do you want to uphold for yourself? And how would meeting them impact your life for the better? When we can be super intentional about our actions, know why we are carrying them out and what we will create from the outcome of doing said action, we can then see the value in actually doing it!

Linking back to one of my first points, we are creatures of habit. How many of you reading this scroll through social media at night instead of reading or meditating as you know that will give you a better nights sleep? But because (since the beginning of social media) you have always done it, it’s second nature. You know you need a better night time routine as you aren’t sleeping well, so what you need to do is override what is easy to put in place something that is more beneficial for you and your needs. This is how we reprogram the need to procrastinate. -Procrastinate becomes productivity!

Now, there is a reality here where you put something off because you actually dont want to do it and you know it won’t benefit you. That could be a favour someone asks of you, or a relative. But, this is more of a boundary issue opposed to a procrastination issue. If you don’t have the capacity to help someone, say, either explain that you don’t have the capacity or you need to prioritise other things at the moment. It’s not mean it’s real life and honestly when you do respect yourself and your boundaries more. Not only will others do too but also, you start to lead from a place of self respect meaning, you value your time and energy the most which means what … less procrastinating!!

You know what I say EVERYTHING comes down to our self worth! When we trust ourselves, we respect ourselves and when we accept ourselves and respect ourselves guess what? We start to love ourselves!

So in summary, GET OUT YOUR OWN WAY!! - respectfully :)

If you want something you never had you’ve got to do something you’ve never done!

Break through the “easy” and step into the extraordinary! You were meant for big things and the only way you will ever reach them is by going down the path less travelled! There is nothing new in your comfort zone!

If you need help with breaking old habits and creating new ones my journal is available here.

For 1:1 guidance and support click here.

Love and light x


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